图录号: 1285
估价RMB: 100,000-120,000
成交价RMB: 123,200(含佣金)
Origin: Raver, Kerman, Southeast Persia
Age: 1898
Medium: Wool, Cotton
Illustrated: Oriental Rugs, Vol.1, by Ian Bennett, 1981.
Size: 228×146cm
RMB: 100,000-120,000
根据伊恩?班尼特所著的《东方地毯》(第一卷),这条地毯是尊贵的卡扎尔王朝王子Ruknal-Dowlah在伊斯兰教纪年1316年(公元1898年5月22日)定制的,地毯上下两端的文字显示:制作者是这一时期波斯Khorasan和锡斯坦省的司法部长和贸易部长……奉尊贵的Ruknal-Dowlah之命制作此毯。Ruknal-Dowlah王子与卡扎尔王朝统治者Mozaffareddin Shah是兄弟,据数据标明,卡扎尔时代皇室定购的毯子流传至今的非常稀少,而这件作品无疑是其中的精品。
这张以生命树为主题的拜毯也因此具有了重要的艺术史料价值。根据毯子下端文字中的日期以及我们现有的资料,此毯可以被看作是科尔曼拉佛地毯在“新古典主义”时期的最早样本,新古典主义大约在1870-1880年间始于波斯西北部的塔伯利兹。这条地毯的存在,也驳斥了A.Cecil Edwards在1953年首次出版的《波斯地毯》一书中的论点:这个城市直到25年前才成为地毯编织中心,此前不过是贸易集散地(第307页),同时它也证明了拉佛制作精美地毯的时间远远早于某些权威人士的推断。
This carpet was commissioned by the Excellency Rukn-al-Dowlah in 1316 (Year of the Hejira). Rukn-al-Dowlah was a great Qajar prince, and first cousin of the reigning Shah, Mozaffareddin Shah Qajar, few rugs with such exalted patrons are known from the Qajar period, and this must undoubtedly be regarded as one of the most accomplished of such regal works. This immensely elegant Laver Kerman Tree- of Life prayer rug is of considerable art-historical importance on a number of counts. Its date, which is discreetly incorporated in the lower inscription cartouche, makes it the earliest recorded Laver Kerman that we know of from the ‘neo-classical’ or ‘Revival’ period of Persian rug knotting. The existence of this rug disproves A. Cecil Edwards’ contention in The Persian Carpet, first published in 1953, that “…the city…emerged as a weaving centre only about twenty-five years ago. Before that is was merely a collecting point…” (page 307), and demonstrates that rugs of great beauty were being knotted in Laver far earlier than most authorities would previously have given credit to. Perhaps the measure of this item’s refinement and grace is in the superb calligraphic art of the two inscribed cartouches, both in nastaliq script, yet of patently different calligraphic style – very few master-weavers would be capable of such curvilinear virtuosity. The design and colouring of field and borders speak for itself – this is a work of the highest artistic merit. The dyes are all natural and the condition is excellent, although the brown dyes show minor oxidation, as might be expected in a Laver Kerman of this age.
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