Origin: Farahan, Central Persia
Age: circa 1875
Medium: Handspun Pure Silk
Size: 220×135cm
Description: 100% full pile, no repair, no patch, no holes, reconditioned fringes on both sides; 100% natural vegetable colours; 1,000,000 knots per square meter, 2,970,000 knots in whole carpet.
RMB: 300,000-400,000
这条珍贵的法拉汗丝毯与波斯丝毯中最顶级的喀桑“莫塔森”丝毯风格相近。有一派学者认为,纺织大师默罕默德?哈桑?莫塔森(Hajji Mullah Muhammad Hassan Mohtaschem)就居住在法拉汗地区,并在这里创作了他一生中的数件顶级作品——而这条丝毯无疑是莫塔森的杰作之一。目前,有着莫塔森署名的地毯在世界上仅存两条,古董毯权威杂志《Hali》曾在第36期第7页中印有其中一条喀桑丝毯的图片,无论从图案设计还是全局构图而言,都与我们眼前的这条毯子非常相似。而我们将这条丝毯的产地归为法拉汗而不是喀桑,是基于其独特的图形结构、优质的丝线和明显的年代特征,尤其是法拉汗地毯一以贯之的极其精细微妙的色彩调和。主面板中柔和的菱形图案和简约的装饰就体现了这一派的显著特征。可以说,上述所有特色都可以在这条优雅精美的地毯中找到,极具收藏、投资价值。
This important and delicately beautiful silk Farahan item is stylistically closely related to the so-called 'Mohtaschem' Silk Kashans, and there is one school of thought which maintains that the master-weaver Hajji Mullah Muhammad Hassan Mohtaschem was a native of the Farahan region, and created some of his finest works in the Farahan tradition - this rug would undoubtedly be included among his Farahan masterpieces by proponents of this theory. In fact, of the only two rugs recorded which are actually signed by Mohtaschem, the silk Kashan illustrated in Hali, Issue 36, page 7, is distinctly similar to the present item in design and overall stylistic approach. The attribution to Farahan, rather than Kashan, of our rug and others of this rare group is based on the extremely fine and distinctive structure, the wonderful quality of the silk used, the obvious age apparent in such examples and, especially, the distinctive and ultra-refined palette they invariably employ. A slight angularity in the draughtsmanship and the wonderful economy of ornament is also a distinguishing feature of the group. All these elements are definitively displayed in this graceful medallion rug, with its shimmering pastel tonality, its enchanting palette of lilacs, blues, rose and magenta, and its wealth of related secondary colours which are almost hidden beneath the sumptuous lustre of the silk. A silk Farahan of superb accomplishment, among the most beautiful and oldest silk Persian rugs knotted since the Safavid era we have encountered.