刘海粟(1896-1994) 黄山莲花峰

图录号: 1785

估价RMB: 6,800,000-8,800,000

成交价RMB: 9,545,000(含佣金)

刘海粟(1896-1994) 黄山莲花峰
布面 油画
签名:LiuHaiSu 海粟 1962
1. 附艺术家与本拍品合影。
2. 附艺术家家属为本拍品所撰专文一篇。
Liu Haisu (1896-1994)
Lotus Peak in Yellow Mountain
Oil on Canvas
Dated 1962
Signed and dated
1. Selected Works by Liu Haisu, p.117, People's Art Publication, 1983
2. Selected Paintings by Liu Haisu, p.118, People's Art Publication, 1986
3. Chronology of Liu Haisu, p.188, People's Art Publication, 1992
4. Selected Paintings by Liu Haisu (II), p.299, Beijing Craft and Art Publication, 2006
Note: 1. Accompanied by the photo of the artist taken with this work.
2. Attached an artical of the artist wrote for this lot.
RMB: 6,800,000-8,800,000
刘海粟,1896年生于江苏武进。1912年与乌始光等在上海创办“上海图画美术院”,后改为上海美术专科学校, 1926年赴欧美及日本考察美术。1952年任华东艺专校长。历任南京学院院长、名誉院长、教授,上海美术家协会名誉主席,中国美术家协会顾问、全国政协常务委员会委员。1981年意大利国家艺术学院聘任为院士,并颁赠金质奖章。英国剑桥国际传略中心授予其“杰出成就奖”。意大利欧洲学院授予其“欧洲棕榈金奖”。美国传略研究所授予其“伟大成功大使”称号。美国世界议会为其颁发金焰奖。上海、南京、常州均建有“刘海粟美术馆”。出版有《刘海粟画集》、《刘海粟油画选集》、《刘海粟国画》、《学画真诠》等。
Liu Haisu, born in Jiangsu Province in 1896, established Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts with Wu Shiguang and Zhang Yuguang in 1912. Later the academy was renamed as Shanghai College of Art. Since 1952, he was headmaster of East China College of Art. Also he has served headmaster, honorary president and professor of Nanjing College and the honorary chairman of Artist Association of Shanghai, consultant of Artist Association of China and the member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In 1981, he was invited to be an academician of National Art Academy of Italy which also awarded him with the Gold Medal. Other honours that the artist have received include Outstanding Achievements Award by IBC in UK, the European Golden Palm Award by Italy Institute of Europe, Great Ambassador by American Strategy Institution and Golden Flame by World Congress in U.S.A. Museums were built and named after the artist in Shanghai, Nanjing and Changzhou. The publications that feature the master include Liu Haisu's Works, Selection of Artworks by Liu Haisu, Chinese Painting by Liu Haisu and The Essence of Art Study and so forth.


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