
图录号: 1425

估价RMB: 100,000-200,000

成交价RMB: 391,000(含佣金)

设色纸本 画心
说明:1. 本拍品附出版物一份。
Ink and color on paper, unmounted
Dated 1985
Selected Chinese Folklores: Legends of Ancient Heroes , China Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House, 1985
Note: Attached is the book.
王明明 1952年生于北京。1978年考入中央工艺美院未入学,同年调入北京绘画院从事专业创作。现为国家一级美术师、北京画院副院长、中国美术家协会副主席、北京市美术系列高级职称评委会副主任、北京市人大代表、全国政协委员,国务院参事。作品多次参加全国美展。曾获“世界儿童画比赛一等奖”。代表作有《暑假过队日》 《西游记》 《人民公社好》。
Wang Mingming was born in Beijing in 1952. Currently Wang serves a number of prestigious positions, like National First-Class Artist, deputy director of Beijing Painting Academy and vice president of China Artists Association and so on. Wang’s works include Journey to the West, People’s Commune is Good and the like.
方瑶民 1933年生于江苏无锡。1955年毕业于华东艺术专科学校绘画系。历任少年儿童出版社编辑、上海美术家协会会员。曾获“中国优秀美术图书特别金奖”、“第四届全国连环画评奖套书一等奖”、“第五届中国图书一等奖”。
Fang Yaomin was born in Jiangsu in 1933. He served successively as an editor of Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House and member of Shanghai Artist Association. He won the Special Golden Award of Chinese Outstanding Art Books and the First Prize of the 5th National Book Contest.
罗希贤 1946年生于广东东莞。从事连环画创作30多年。历任上海美术出版社美术创作员。曾获“第二届全国连环画评奖绘画二等奖”。代表作有《清兵入塞》 《大橹的故事》 《难忘的战斗》 《蔡锷》。
Luo Xixian was born in Dongguan, Guangdong in 1946. As the winner of the Second Prize of the 2nd National Comic Book Strip Contest, Luo is famous for works like Story of Da Lu, An Unforgettable Battle, Cai E, etc.
庞先健 1951年4月生于上海。历任上海人民美术出版社连环画第二编辑室主任、副编审,上海美术家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员。连环画代表作有《玄武门之变》 《葛巾》 《戴手铐的旅客》。
Pang Xianjian, who was born in April, 1951 in Shanghai, was the director and associate senior editor of the Second Comic Strip Editorial Office in Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House. He is a member of Shanghai Artists Association and China Artists Association. His works include The Incident at Xuanwu Gate, Ge Jin and A Hand Cuffed Passenger.
许全群 1943年生于河南鲁山县。1961年就读于北京艺术学院附中,1979年任职于人民美术出版社创作室。历任中国美术家协会会员,吉隆坡艺术学院客座教授。曾多次在国内外举办画展,并出版画集。
Xu Quanqun was born in Lushan, Henan in 1943. He studied in the Affiliated High School of Beijing Academy of Fine Arts and worked at People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in 1979. He is a member of China Artists Association and visiting professor of Kuala Lumpur Institute of Art. Xu has held many exhibitions at home and abroad and had many of his picture albums published.
黄全昌 1937年生于镇海。著名连环画家。历任中国美术家协会会员,上海美术家协会艺委会委员,上海书画院特聘画师,上海百草画院副院长。作品多次入选全国美展及海外美展。代表作有《海瑞罢官》 《打渔杀家》。
Born in Zhenhai in 1937, Huang Quanchang is a famous comic strip painter. He was a member of China Artists Association, committee member of Shanghai Artists Association, distinguished painter of Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy and vice president of Shanghai Baicao Painting Academy. Masterpieces including Hai Rui Dismissed From Office and Killing a Bully in a Fishing Village have been exhibited a lot.
倪绍勇 1941年生于浙江三门县。1964年毕业于浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)中国画系。历任少年儿童出版社编审 、上海美术家协会会员。作品为国内外多家出版社出版发行,并多次在国内外获奖。代表作有《木兰从军》 《愚公移山》 《上下五千年》。
Ni Shaoyong was born in Sanmen, Zhejiang in 1941. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Art (now China Academy of Art). He was a senior editor of China Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House and member of Shanghai Artists Association. Many of his works have been awarded and published. Masterpieces include Hua Mulan Joins the Army, Yukong Moved the Mountains, etc.
崔君沛 1950年生于广东番禺。毕业于上海大学美术学院和交通大学文艺系。历任上海人民美术出版社美术编辑、专职画家,中国美术家协会上海分会会员,上海老城厢书画会副会长,中国艺术研究院特邀书画师,现代民族书画艺术家协会副主席,中国国画家协会理事。代表作有《南原激战》 《强渡汉水》。
Cui Junpei was born in Panyu, Guangdong in 1950. Graduating from Shanghai University, Cui was a graphic designer with Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, member of Shanghai Artists Association, vice president of Shanghai Laochengxiang Paintings and Calligraphy Association, director of National Chinese Painting Artists Association, etc. He is famous for works like Battle of Nanyuan, Cross Hanshui River by Force and so on.
晁锡弟 1942年出生于河北乐亭县。历任中国美术家协会会员、首都美术记者协会副会长、大唐画院名誉院长、北京日报书画院一级画师。代表作有《少年溥仪》 《画龙点睛》。
Chao Xidi was born in Leting, Hebei in 1942. He was a member of China Artists Association, vice president of Beijing Art Journalists Association, honorary president of Datang Painting Academy and first-class artist of Painting and Calligraphy Academy of Beijing Daily. Masterpieces include Teenage Pu Yi and Dragon Eye Drawing.
郭怀仁 1943年生于北京。1962年毕业于中央美术学院附中。1967年毕业于中央美术学院。1980年入人民美术出版社创作室任专职画家。
Guo Huairen, born in Beijing in 1943, graduated from the Middle School Affiliated to Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1962 and Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1967. In 1980, he became a professional painter of People’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
张 广 1941年出生于河北乐亭县。1965年毕业于中央美术学院国画系。历任中国美术家协会会员、东方美术交流协会理事、国家一级美术师及人民美术出版社专业画家。出版有《张广画选》、《百牛图手卷》等多本专集。
Zhang Guang was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in 1961. He graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1965. He has served as a member of China Artists Association, director of Oriental Art Exchange Association, the National First-Class Artist and full-time painter of People’s Fine Arts Publishing House. He has published many works like Selected Paintings of Zhang Guang, etc.
陈谷长 1942年出生云浙江鄞县。1965年毕业于上海美术专科学校中国画系。历任中国美术家协会会员,中国连环画研究会上海分会理事 ,上海人民美术出版社副编审。代表作有《严贡生与严监生》 《春到肇家滨》 《黑天鹅》。
Chen Guchang was born in Yinxian, Zhejiang in 1942. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of Shanghai Fine Arts School in 1965. He took the positions as a member of China Artists Association, director of China Comic Strip Academy, Shanghai Branch and associate senior editor of Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House. Masterpieces are Two Brothers of the Yan’s, Zhaojiabin in the Spring and Black Swan.
李延生 1943年出生于陕西延安。1967年毕业于浙江美术学院。历任全国政协委员、中国国家画院艺委会副主任、国家一级美术师、中国美协理事、中国美协中国画艺委会委员。代表作有《正气篇人物百图》 《魂系山河》。
Li Yansheng was born in Yan’an, Shanxi in 1943. He graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1967. Li used to serve as a member of the national committee of CPPCC, deputy director of the art commission of China National Art Academy, National First-Class Artist, director of China Artists Association, etc. Masterpieces are Paintings of Heroes and Love for the Motherland.
杨力舟 1942年生于山西临猗。先后毕业于西安美术学院、中央美术学院。历任中国美协顾问,中国美协常务理事、副主席,中央文史研究馆馆员,中国国家画院顾问,中国文联委员,中国美术馆馆长。代表作有《黄河在咆哮》 《太行铁壁》 《小二黑结婚》。
Yang Lizhou was born in Linyi, Shanxi in 1942 and pursued his study in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and then Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was an adviser, executive director and vice president of China Artists Association, researcher of Central Research Institute of Culture and History, and curator of National Art Museum of China. Masterpieces are The Roaring Yellow River, Xiao’erhei Getting Married, etc.
王迎春 1942年生于山西太原。先后毕业于西安美术学院、中央美术学院。历任中国画研究院业务处长,中国白洋淀诗书画院艺术顾问,中国美术家协会会员,全国青联五、六届委员。代表作有组画《慰安妇》,与丈夫杨力舟合作《黄河在咆哮》《太行铁壁》等作品多次获奖,并赴国外展出。
Wang Yingchun was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi in 1942 and pursued her study in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and then Central Academy of Fine Arts. She took the positions of the director of business at Academy of Chinese Painting, artist consultant of Baiyangdian Art Academy, member of China Artists Association, etc. Masterpieces include Comfort Women and co-works with her husband such as The Roaring Yellow River, which has been exhibited a lot.



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